Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The 10 Skills Youll Need By 2020 (And Beyond)

The 10 Skills Youll Need By 2020 (And Beyond) The 10 Skills Youll Need By 2020 (And Beyond)Posted July 12, 2016, by Vivien LuuSelf-driving cars, artificial intelligence, quantum computing these are no longer the fantasies of sci-fi authors or Hollywood directors. This is the reality of our future, and the future is almost hereThe World Economic Forum says were on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0), and you dont need to have binnenseen Ridley Scotts Blade Runner or Steven Spielbergs A.I Artificial Intelligence to know that this next one is going to change everything.Industry 4.0 will be marked by lightning-speed advancements and mind-boggling change as it brings together advances in digital, physical and biological technologies. Industries earmarked to revolutionise the futureand generate billions if leid trillions for the global economy include genomics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.So as we look towards the future, it raises the question what skills will we need to thrive in this brave new world?By surveying the chief HR officers at some of the worlds leading companies, the WorldEconomic Forum has released The Future of Jobs report revealing the top 10 skills youll need by 2020.So strap yourself into the Delorean and rev up that flux capacitor. Lets see what arsenal of skills the future demands of us10. Cognitive flexibilityCognitive flexibility is all about being a mental gymnast. If you think of your brain as a gymnasts floor, and imagine all the different apparatuses (e.g. the rings, parallel bars, and balance beam) as the different ways of thinking (e.g. the creative brain, mathematical brain, critical thinking brain etc.) cognitive flexibility is how quickly (and easily) you can swing, leap and twirl back and forth between different systems of thought.The mora limber you are, the easier it becomes to see new patterns, and to make unique associations between ideas. It sheds new light on the concept of having a nimble mindSo how do we flex our cognitive muscles? By learning new things and in particular, learning new ways of thinking. If youre not a creative type, make it a point to learn an instrument, take up hip-hop dancing or try your hand at an art class. If youve got the soulmusik of a creative, but your eyes glaze over when you hear words like financial markets or the economy, make it your mission to read The Economist or The American Economic Review.Expand your interests, read outside your comfort zone, and embrace people who challenge your worldviews. Your career (and your brain) will thank you for it.9. NegotiationWith robots infiltrating the workforce and job automation flagged to become increasingly commonplace, social skills will be more important than ever in the future.Why? Because were far better at social interaction and negotiations than robots are (for the time being, anyway).Even people in purely technical occupations will soon be expected to show greater interpersonal s kills, and being able to negotiate with your colleagues, managers, clients and teams will be high up on the list of desirable skills.To find out how to become a better negotiator, here are five things great negotiators always do.8. Service orientationDefined as the ability to actively look for ways to help people, having strong tafelgeschirr orientation skills is all about shining a spotlight on consumers, and anticipating what their needs will be in the future.As the WEF report points out, businesses in the energy, financial services and IT industries are increasingly finding themselves confronted with new consumer concerns about issues such as carbon footprints, food safety, labour standards and privacy.From a skills perspective this means that businesses will need to learn to more quickly anticipate these new consumer values, to translate them into product offerings and to become ever more knowledgeable about the processes involved in meeting these demands.Getting a grip on servi ce orientation involves stepping into the minds of users and thinking about what they value, fear, and dislike and developing new products or adapting services to future proof your company or brand.7. Judgement and decision-makingThe ability to make sound judgement calls and the knack for strong decision-making skills is forecast to move up the list to nab the seventh spot by 2020.This isnt surprising considering the sheer volume of data that organisations can now amass, and the growing need for employees who can sift through the numbers, find actionable insights, and use big data to inform business strategy and decisions.How can you improve your decision-making skills immediately? Start getting a whole lot more comfortable with data. First, figure out what questions or problems you want to answer, then set aside time to explore new data tools and technologies that can help you collect this information. Once you have these two things, youll want to make Excel your best friend, learn how to manipulate the data and mine it for all its worth6. Emotional intelligenceThe overwhelming response from HR officers and company strategists was that when it comes to desirable skillsets, overall, social skillssuch as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others will be in higher demand across industries of the future.Co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry explains that emotional intelligence is the other kind of smart. Its that intangible something that helps us tune into the kaleidoscope of human emotions, and measures how adept we are at adjusting our behaviour depending on the mood of a colleague, partner, family member, or even our own internal feelings.Emotional intelligence literally informs every interaction we have. As Bradberry explains in an article for Forbes, It affects how we manage behaviour, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results.Its a social skill thats particularly important to m anagers and leaders, and youll be glad to hear that you can give your EQ (emotional quotient) a boost5. Coordinating with othersSocial skills dominate the list again at number 5, and point to the emerging trend of companies putting more emphasis on strong interpersonal skills, and employees who play well with others.Collaboration is crucial in any work environment and this is something that thankfully humans are still better at than robotsphilanthropisch interaction in the workplace involves team production, with workers playing off of each others strengths and adapting flexibly to changing circumstances, the WEF report explains. Such non-routine interaction is at the heart of the human advantage over machines.Coordinating with others involves strong communication skills, an awareness of other peoples strengths and weaknesses, and being able to work with a range of different personalities.4. People managementIrrespective of how many jobs get automated and how advanced artificial int elligence becomes, employees will always be a companys most prized resource. Human beings are more creative, better at reading each other, and able to piggyback off each others ideas and energy. But being human also means that we get sick, we get demotivated, and we get distracted. So its vital that in the future, managers and team leaders know how to motivate their teams, maximise their productivity and respond to their needs. Being a great manager has a lot to do with emotional intelligence, knowing how to delegate, and developing your own management style.3. CreativityAs the World Economic Forum senior writer, Alex Gray explains, With the avalanche of new products, new technologies and new ways of working, employees are going to have to become more creative in order to benefit from these changes.Robots may help us get to where we want to be faster, but they cant be as creative as humans (yet).Creativity is predicted to become a key skill in the future, so before you dismiss yourself as a non-creative person, remember that creativity is not the exclusive domain of artsy types like musicians and writers.If youre able to connect the dots with seemingly disparate information, and throw all the ideas together to present something new, then you are a creative person.The problem with the creative process is its inherent non-process nature. There is simply no one way to creatively problem-solve something. In saying that, there are ways to unleash the creative within you by exercising curiosity and self-expression on a regular basis.Some other things you can do include giving yourself time to let your thoughts wander (this is why some of our best ideas come to us in the shower), making it a habit to sit down and create a body of work when youre sleepy (because when your brains unfocused, its less inhibited), and using limitations as a starting point for creativity2. Critical thinkingBeing a critical thinker will still be a valued skillset in the next four years , according to the survey. But what does critical thinking actually involve?The answer is logic and reasoning. Critical thinking involves being able to use logic and reasoning to interrogate an issue or problem, consider various solutions to the problem, and weigh up the pros and cons of each approach.While IBMs supercomputer Watson and its legal-savvy companion ROSS are giving humans a run for their money in the critical thinking department, organisations in 2020 will see critical thinkers as highly employable, and a welcome addition to any team.Try these strategies to become a more critical thinker.1. Complex problem-solvingTopping the list as the most desired skill to have by 2020 is complex problem-solving ability defined by the report as the capacity to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, real-world settings. What does that even mean? In a nutshell, its about having the mental elasticity to solve problems weve never seen before, and being able to solve them in a landscape thats changing at breakneck speed and getting more complex by the minute In a world filled with what economists describe as wicked problems problems that are not evil, but considered wicked because they are near-impossible to solve due to incomplete, contradictory or ever-evolving requirements (think climate change, poverty or terrorism) complex problem-solvers will be in hot demand. As the report details, More than one third (36%) of all jobs across all industries are expected by our respondents to require complex problem-solving as one of their core skills. Now, dont worry This doesnt mean that youll be expected to solve the worlds problems. Having strong complex problem-solving skills is about being able to see the big picture, zero in on minute details, and move things around to make a difference. Thankfully this is not a skill that anyone is born with. Its something that gets honed over time, and is built on a strong foundation of critical and lateral thinki ng.So how do you acquire this holy grail of all skills? According to some studies, problem-solving skills can be improved by playing a lot of video games As our world and the workforce continue to rapidly evolve, its clear that we all need to develop alongside it if were going to keep apace with the changes. As Doc Emmett Brown put it in Back to the Future, Where were going, we dont need roadsBut you might need a konzept So arm yourself with these 10 skills to future-proof your career.Find out what the future of the workforce looks like ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesskill shortages australia10 best jobs for the futurejobs of the future 2020 australiaaustralia skills shortage list 2016best jobs for 2020 graduates australia CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Onli ne Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Vivien LuuViv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.Related ArticlesBrowse moreMBASTUDYINGMBA or Masters - Whats Right For You?MBA v Masters? Are they the same? And which should you choose? Such sensible questions you ask The MBA Vs Masters debate has been causing quite a stir in our waters, so we thought wed dispel the rumours and deliver you the facts on each.PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTSTUDYINGDo you Study for Love or Money?How do we choose a career path? Should money be the first consideration? Or should our passions and inte rests inform the path we take? Explore this question with us as we look at statistics and trends in Australia.CAREER ADVICECAREER INSPIRATION6 Reasons Why You Should Study LawStudying law offers you the chance to develop a wide range of skills and explore different aspects of human life, businesses, and society. 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